Thursday, April 26, 2012

Holy Shit my Giants Season Tickets money is due next week..

May 1st a terrible day for my bank account, when it goes back to either $0 or negative dollars since I can barely cover the cost of my Giants season tickets.  3 years ago the Giants called me with an opportunity to buy season tickets since I was a waiting list member since 1999, when I signed up when I was 16 figuring it would be at least 40 years until they even called me and hopefully the last 10-15 years of my drunken existence I'd have enough money to pay for these things.  But instead in 2009 the Giants office called me to offer me season tickets.  Now they had called me in the past to offer me to buy a suite which is ridiculous because I was either in college or just out of college, did they even look at my birthdate on the waiting list sheet or were they just like fuck it maybe he has a trust fund, which is clearly not hte case.  But this time it was real I could actually get seats in my own name, so right away I ask for the 300's and the $1k PSL which obviously was sold out, I then ask for the next level which i believe was $2500 a PSL again sold out, which brings me to the $5k a seat per PSL, I ask how much do I need to put down that day and they say $2k which i actually had saved up for some unknown reason so boom I give them my debit card numbers and boom I'm a Giants season ticfket holder not even thinking at the time that holy motherufkin shit I owe the Giants another $8k by August of 2010. 

Anyway after scrapping together every bond I had from birth, Communion, Confirmation, graduation, etc I was able to pay the PSL.  Which brings me to today and the $2400 I owe in a week.  Clearly I didnt save anything over the past year and my brother who I share the tickets with decided to move into the city, even though he works on Long Island.  He must be the only fucking moron standing in Penn Station at 7am making the reverse commute out to LI.  So how the hell will I pay these, well hopefully the Giants coming off the joy of a Super Bowl will help a miserly idiot like myself with a payment plan. Unless a Stoolie out there wants to help a brother out?

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